Today is Bohuslava/Róbert 1/16/2025 - .

The registry means all the documents that were created in the activities of the organization or organizations were received and are registered in the registry book. Records management is a way of handling documents (called registry records), ie how to create a registered entries, the system of storage and decommissioning. Such a procedure is provided in the internal regulations called the registry rules.

Registry system is an essential tool for the registration of registry administration, contains data on the intake, development, equipment, dispatch records, but also storage and disposal of special types of files and records.

And for simplification of the given activity serves the file module, which is designed as a web application.

Module Registry can be used to address the full electronic processing and storage of documents (registry records).

Electronic document storage brings streamlined work with documents and therfore gets rid of tedious search for documents. Particularly effective is the processing of scanned documents, which are immediately available for viewing and there is no need to search for them in folders.

In the archive file it assignes keys describing their physical relocation. Obsolete files can be borrowed from the archive and their terms of repayment followed.

Registry module is created in accordance with the current legislation of the Slovak Republic in the registry. When documents are registered in the system, it saves their scanned copies or other electronic documents in the form of file type tif, bmp, jpg, gif, doc, xls, txt, pdf, or even more.

Mail registry

The module can be extended to technology flows script, which is run by electronic circulation of documents in an organization.

Recording and circulation of the documents can be combined with their archiving. Circulation of specific document ends with the decommissioning of the document respectively file in the archive. During decommissioning of a file an archiving plan can be used, if the organization.

Circulation of documents is regulated by firm’s organizational structure, which is defined in the file module tree structure and functions of department employees. Set up the system to complete the structure translated into scripts according to the guidelines of the organization and then form the basic scheme for the flow of documents. File module allows to record documents, store them in “electronic filing packages”, search and browse them through a special viewer, allocate work tasks to employees and track the status of their implementation.

Records with which the user is working, are in electronic form and can be supplemented by scanned documents. User access to the system to individual documents or tasks depending on the permissions that are granted to the user by an administrator of the applications.