Today is Bohuslava/Róbert 1/16/2025 - .

A modern tool for effective management of the company. It works with data registered in information system. The data are processed in order to provide detailed information on financial indicators, the profitability of the entire company, with a possibility to structure the data by individual centers, actions, periods.

The basis for the planning and evaluation of plans:

  1. planning the costs and revenues of the company and its individual cost centers. The plan can be implemented as a monthly plan or an annual plan.
  2. Planning of income and loss statements
  3. Planning for the sale of goods and services, which may be based on ABC analysis, allowing the user to identify and then analyze the products and partners.Plans can be compiled at the central level as well as for the specified group of partners.


It is possible to plan the flow of funds in a timely manner on the basis of data contained in the system (income and expenses based on invoices, contracts and other defined operations - periodic, manual, which is retrieved from the system or can be added manually.

To watch a short-term funding needs the executives will welcome auto upload of assets and liabilities from the accounting and embedded in a financial calendar by due date with additions dayplanner of financial movements, regularly recurring operations (e.g. salaries, lease payments, installment loans, installment for rent).

Such a view of the data will provide information about when the company will need more funds and when there will be a surplus.

Very intuitive monitoring is conducted in the form of graphic representation.

Comprehensive view of different angles on business, economic and payroll character with a basis for comparing the company’s results over different periods, monitoring labor costs, financial flow management based on data contained in the system.

Interesting and a high added value for you will be the Key Performance Indicators - KPI Analysis. As you know, the overall performance of the company is composed of the performance of each of its parts, so it is very important to properly layout selected indicators for specific processes and this is where you can rely on help from FINPLAN.