Today is Bohuslava/Róbert 9/14/2024 - .

Module attendance is a specialized system for registration of attendance, which includes all required information about attendance of employees and is available in real time. For example information about time worked, overtimes, vacations, visiting the doctor and other interruptions in work hours.

Registration for distribution of overtime, registration of vacation requests respectively other interruptions with options of approval of the request.

The application allows to create shift-calendars and assign calendars to job positions and employees.

The data collected serve as a base for calculation of payroll of employees and these informations can be directly exported into the module payroll. Module also provides control about attendance. For example verification of overlapping overtimes in one day, verification about the missing attendance or employees leaves.


  1. Increase punctuality in the workplace. You will always know who came late or early.
  2. Save payroll costs and increase your productivity. Avoid the register scams by your employees.